Spine Surgery Post-Operative Care and Instruction
After lumbar spine surgery, you'll likely be given instructions on when you can return to work. The most important thing is to be careful not to exercise too much, as this can increase your discomfort. Once your knee has healed, you should gradually return to activities you were doing before surgery. You can resume normal daily activities about a week after your surgery, but you shouldn't start a new exercise routine for six to eight weeks. Your doctor will determine the best physical therapy program for you, as well as any follow-up MRIs. Recommendations for return to work after lumbar spine surgery Following lumbar spine surgery done by top Spine surgeon in India , patients should avoid any activity that involves lifting heavy objects or performing awkward twisting and leaning. The top Spine surgeon in India will tell you when you can return to work, usually at the third or fourth week. To improve your endurance and overall fitness, you can start walking. Walk short dist...