Spine Surgeons - What Are the Conditions Treated by Spine Surgeons?

Many spinal conditions are congenital and may be a result of trauma, tumors, or infections. There are many other spinal deformities, such as scoliosis. Spine surgeons treat all of these conditions and many more. This article will discuss some of the common procedures performed by a best spine surgeon in India.

Spinal fusion

If a top spine surgeon in Bangalore finds a disc that is damaged, they may perform a spinal fusion surgery to remove it and replace it with a new one. This procedure involves making a small incision near the affected area, removing the intervertebral disc, and placing the material in its place. This material may be bone, synthetic bone, or a combination of both. The procedure can take several hours, and patients should arrange for a family member or friend to drive them home after surgery.

Herniated discs

If you are experiencing back pain, you may have a herniated disc. MRI is the most accurate test for herniated discs, although X-rays are also used to rule out other causes. MRIs also give a better picture of the spinal column and can help identify the source of the pressure on the nerve root. A CT scan can also help pinpoint the location of a herniated disc.


Neurosurgeons treat radiculopathy through surgical procedures. Depending on the cause of radiculopathy, treatment can include non-operative measures, such as physical therapy and medication, or more invasive procedures, such as surgery. While non-operative treatments are generally effective, surgical procedures may be necessary if non-non-surgical treatments do not work or if patients are losing nerve function gradually.


There are many treatments for myelopathy, from nonsurgical measures such as physical therapy or bracing to surgical decompression to remove bone spurs or herniated discs. If left untreated, myelopathy can progress into a more serious condition that can eventually result in paralysis. If not treated, myelopathy can result in loss of ability to walk, use arms or even control breathing. The progression of the condition is also often irreversible if not addressed immediately.

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation, also known as radiofrequency neurotomy, is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat chronic pain in the back and neck. Radiofrequency ablation involves heating a part of a nerve in the spine so that the nerve no longer sends pain signals to the brain. Radiofrequency ablation is effective for many chronic conditions, including neck pain related to degeneration of joints in the body.

Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in Bangalore

Percutaneous instrumentation

Percutaneous instrumentation is a common technique used in top spine surgeon in Bangalore. It involves placing spinal stabilization devices between the spinous processes of two vertebrae (the bones you feel when you press on the midline of the back). These stabilization devices open up the spinal canal and the foramen, allowing the surgeon to access the spine's bones and discs. This technique is effective in relieving buttock and leg pain.


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